Treasures of the Archive of Folk Song at the Library of Congress – a lecture by Joe Hickerson at the Jalopy Theater, Brooklyn, NY 1/16/10
Greetings from California. I’m out on the West Coast playing some shows with my band The Dust Busters and our friends the The Dough Rollers. But I’m still on the job, bringing out Down Home Radio shows! Here’s a recording I made at the Jalopy Theater just before I left town.
Joe Hickerson was the librarian and head of the Archive of Folk Song at the Library of Congress from the 1960’s-90’s. This is a very cool “lecture-demonstration,” where Joe talks about the Archive of Folk Song/Culture, plays great examples from its collection and also plays and sings some of his favorite tunes from the Archive.
Got more stuff in the can waiting to come out, plus I’ve been making some great recordings as I’m traveling around, so look out for more great stuff here on Down Home Radio!
Joe Hickerson’s appearance at Jalopy was sponsored by:
Joe Hickerson records Mississippi John Hurt for the Library of Congress, 1960’s.
Robert Winslow Gordon, first head of the Archive, with wax cylinder recordings and recording equipment, about 1930. Library of Congress Photo.
And don’t forget to check out the Down Home Radio advert in the Old Time Herald Magazine – – lots of great articles, reviews and more!
Hey Eli, just wondering what kind of device you use when field recording?
Hi. I use a Marantz PMD 660 hard disk recorder. Works good, had it for a few years. They make even cooler ones now.